Dear 2023

You’ve been the greatest gift that I could have ever asked for. You’ve given me the gift of acceptance and an inner knowing helping to transform the dark night of the soul into an eternal source of light. It is from that place of awakening that I am becoming.

For thirty-two years, I found myself trapped in loop. Everything that I was attracted to were moths disguised as butterflies. I painted the world in colourful rainbows instead of seeing things for what they truly were. I was reckless. I was naive. The truth was that I loved others more than I loved myself. I didn’t know better and didn’t know when to stop. 

It was from that place of constant giving that I finally lost myself. In the wreckage of 2023, I found the lost treasure hidden in the depths of the cold sea. What felt like a sinking ship became the life boat that I needed to rescue those parts of me scattered across the ocean. 

Born from the wreckage was the greatest awakening and I came to life. And through the pilgrimage, I arrived home to place of wholeness and clarity. I feel blessed to have lived so many lives. What a time to be alive!

Thank you, 2023.
💛 Jenny



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