The tree of life

For an extended period of my life, I nestled in the comforts of my own incubator. There I was, wrestling with the unknown, wanting to emerge, but worried I hadn't quite placed a finger on the pulse of this beast. I was afraid to show up, not knowing what to be.

But if you know what you want to be, then you inevitably become it, and that is your punishment. Oscar Wilde said if you never know what to be, then you can be anything. To be human is to realise that we are alive in a state of becoming. Accepting ourselves as mere nouns dishonours the human experience because growth requires strength and courage. To live is an act of faith and so being human is but a powerful verb in a constant state of evolution.

Be gentle because life is like the evolutionary journey of a tree that starts from a vulnerable seed growing with roots, often tangled and messy, that eventually rises into a beautiful and resilient tree, grounded even in the harshest conditions. Trust in the process with patience and compassion.

With love,
Yours truly.

P.S. I find a lot of joy in gifting cards to those who have touched my heart. Each card comes paired with a song to accompany those thoughts and feelings that I have laid down on paper. I wanted to start sharing the love here as well so I hope you enjoy the soundtrack to this post x


Dear 2023


Tidal Wave