Welcome to my world

Nau mai ki toku ao

Follow my rambles

Tidal Wave

Let yourself recede
Deeply into the blue lull
Embrace the chaos of your displacement
For you are just in the process of becoming

Let yourself recede
Deeply into the blue lull
Embrace the chaos of your displacement
For you are just in the process of nascence

You’re a force of nature
Bridging your transition
Towards a great transformation

Let yourself retreat
Quietly into the deep blue
Embrace the chaos of your homecoming
For you are only becoming

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Thought Catalogue, Love & Healing Jenny Hsu Thought Catalogue, Love & Healing Jenny Hsu


On the outside I am strong
On the inside I am soft
I am fragile because I love deeply
Exposing me to more vulnerability

On the outside I am strong
On the inside I am soft
I am fragile because I love deeply
Exposing me to more vulnerability

On the outside I am strong
On the inside I am soft
But that doesn’t make me weak

I am soft and I am malleable
I am soft and I am adaptable
Resilience is my nature
And my greatest strength

I am strong and I am soft
But with a fragile heart
Because love is my true being

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Thank You

I am only here
because of where life has led me.
I’ve been blessed with many teachers
and the lessons they have taught me.

I am only here
because of where life has led me.
I’ve been blessed with many teachers
and the lessons they have taught me.

I don’t blame you for running away
when things got complicated.

I don’t blame you for cheating
when you were still healing
from your childhood trauma.

I don’t blame you for lying
because I couldn’t stick to my own boundaries.

I don’t blame you for the manipulation
because that was the only way 
we knew to survive.

I don’t blame you for my depression
because I ignored all the red flags.

Thank you for teaching me
the role I played in all of this mess.
Thank you for showing me
all the colours that I am.
Thank you for helping me break
the cycle of my own generational mess.

Thank you for being the best version
of yourself that you could be, 
and for making me grow
into the best version that I can be.

Thank you for showing me
my true inner strength,
and for being my greatest teacher
in this beautiful journey called life.

To all my greatest teachers,
I will always cherish
our moments spent together.

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Attachment is just a need to belong.
When we strip away the layers of our conditioning,
like peeling away the layers of an onion,
we reveal the nature of our true Self.
So therein lies the problem itself,
the grasping of the delusional mind—
a collection of patterns and limiting beliefs
in the physical form of the avatar that it us.
When we detach from the sense of our false Self, 
we reach the core essence of our true being,
our being as nature,
where we have always belonged.

Attachment is just a need to belong.
When we strip away the layers of our conditioning,
like peeling away the layers of an onion,
we reveal the nature of our true Self.
So therein lies the problem itself,
the grasping of the delusional mind—
a collection of patterns and limiting beliefs
in the physical form of the avatar that is us.
When we detach from the sense of our false Self, 
we reach the core essence of our true being,
our being as nature,
where we have always belonged.

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Thought Catalogue, Life, Intention Jenny Hsu Thought Catalogue, Life, Intention Jenny Hsu

The meaning of life

Maybe the meaning of life is to live your life so authentically that you don’t even know you’re dead. You don’t know because you’re not actually dead. You never left because your spirit lives on forever, and you are the full embodiment of bliss and oneness living in a total state of harmony with yourself and the universe.

Maybe the meaning of life is to live your life so authentically that you don’t even know you’re dead. You don’t know because you’re not actually dead. You never left because your spirit lives on forever, and you are the full embodiment of bliss and oneness living in a total state of harmony with yourself and the universe.

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