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Nau mai ki toku ao

Follow my rambles

A theory of love

During one of my Ayahuasca ceremonies, I saw a little girl crying in the forest. She was alone and lost—lost in all aspects of that word. That child was me. I went into the forest and held that child telling her everything is okay and that everything will be okay. Then I took her hands, and together, we walked out of the forest.

During one of my Ayahuasca ceremonies, I saw a little girl crying in the forest. She was alone and lost—lost in all aspects of that word. That child was me. I went into the forest and held that child telling her everything is okay and that everything will be okay. Then I took her hands, and together, we walked out of the forest.

One moment you think you’re healed, and in the next, you find yourself trying to surf the excruciating waves of emotion. The pain, anger, resentment, sadness, anxiety, isolation and all that suffering was the darkest shadow that ever clouded my head; it felt like dark matter creating life in this universe, and it took me back to a distant memory where a guide once told me to lean into the edge and conquer my fears. In that moment as I surrendered myself to the dark, I started radiating from within. I was glowing in the golden light of warmth and love; it was the heart guiding me back home to myself.


Our journey in the school of life seldom follows a linear path. We meander through unforeseen bends and encounter tempestuous storms for the universe persistently tests us with assignments that require deep and sometimes painful work that when embraced, can foster personal evolution from adversities—no one ever told us that growing up. Yet Mama Ayahuasca emerges as a wise mentor—both a harsh and loving mirror revealing the facets of ourselves ripe for growth and expansion. Through her unconditional love, she illuminates our journey through the shadows.

Joy and love, though often intertwined, are not interchangeable concepts. Love, however, is intrinsically linked to growth. Through each successive ceremony, you cultivate the ability to hold a sacred space for yourself as emotions rise up and out, spiralling forth from the deep wells of the heart. When you learn to sit with your emotions, you are holding space for that part of you to be expressed, to be seen, to be heard, and to be just as you are in this world. It's a journey of self-love unlike any other, for the responsibility for our emotional well-being rests ultimately upon our own shoulders.

When you allow the breath to emanate from a deeper place within your body, clarity rises and magic takes shape. The universe unfurls a world of endless possibilities as you surrender wholeheartedly. You become weightless, poised to ascend and glide with greater ease and grace in this world. Embracing this journey empowers you to conquer your shadows, live more fearlessly, and reign over your world unapologetically. You stand as your own statue, resilient and towering, a bastion against life's stormy weather, while serving as your north star to guide and align your soul's purpose. When you immerse your total being in love, you vibrate at a higher frequency that goes out into the universe, giving birth to life.

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