Find clarity in chaos. Become extraordinary.

This is a place of inquiry and incubation for the embodied self; an invitation to evolve and transcend, together. This is a space to explore limiting beliefs and rewrite the programme of our human interface. Welcome to my journey in the art of self-mastery through the journey inward.

Hola, 你好! Friends call me OJ—short for Ocean Jen. I hope to bring a little joy and magic to the world by designing for humans and planet Earth. ✨

I’m a designer, an entrepreneur, and above all, a student in the school of life. You’ll likely hear me advocating for regenerative design, gut health, mental health and all things people + planet health.

⏳ 2024

Living life while pursuing a few projects. Stay tuned because things are about to get magical…

TY 2023

The first half of the year was spent doing absolutely nothing but healing from depression. The better half of the year was spent reinventing myself through a relentless pursuit of my dreams and feeling incredibly grateful to be alive. Top three highlights:

🧠 I trained one year to become a transformational coach. I embarked on this programme after hitting rock-bottom depression with a desire to become my own best coach who would navigate life with me.

🛵 After three patient years of driving under the blazing sun and through a few cold (and very wet) winter storms with an incessant rescheduling of classes and exams due to travel and covid disruptions, I am finally road-legal to drive motorcycles.

🌱 I spent three months learning about permaculture by getting my hands dirty in green construction and climate restoration.

Before 2023

I spent ten years building teams and digital services for emerging markets across EdTech, biotech, digital supply chains and Web3 under various capacities as an experience designer, project manager, product manager, and most recently, as an interim Chief Operating Officer. I'm proud to have launched successful brands - most notably CircleDNA - and scaled companies from zero to growth and IPO.

I’m a dreamer, a builder and an entrepreneur at heart. I'm an ex-cofounder proud of her rollercoaster journey towards steadier meadows through the trials and errors of being human. Above all, I'm a student in the school of life living voraciously through my insatiable curiosity for this world and in making the most of this precious life that we have.

Vibe on my frequency

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